Accessory Equipment

Smith adjustable differential type bypass relief valves are specifically designed for liquefied gases and will give years of quiet and trouble-free operation. We utilize stainless steel springs to minimize corrosion and elevate spring cycle life. Please download Catalogue DBV-L.
Our Y-type strainers offer the lowest pressure drop of any strainer currently available. This feature is especially important for marginal pump suction conditions. Smith strainers are available with either a 40-mesh brass reinforced screen or 80-mesh reinforced stainless steel screen. Please download Catalogue Sheet CP-6.
Smith flexible drive couplings are machined from bar-stock to insure concentricity. Hardened steel pins are used in each coupling half adding to superior life expectancy. Smith flexible drive couplings are balanced, concentric, and tough. Please download Catalogue Sheet CP-7.
Smith steel coupling guards are available for most pump/motor configurations shown on this website. Please contact a Smith customer service representative for additional information concerning coupling guards.
Smith bases used for mounting pump/motor combinations are not fabricated from channel iron. Smith bases are formed from thick sheet steel and the entire length of the base underside is reinforced with steel pipe. Base feet are designed to conform to irregular concrete pads. Please contact a Smith customer service representative for additional information concerning bases or download Catalogues CP-1A or CP-3.